Please print out the
following document, complete the necessary details and send a scanned or
phone photographed copy to
- If electronic transfer is not possible, a paper copy can be handed
into Kate Flemings shop.
The Association
requires this data to comply with the law on reporting salmon catches to
Marine Scotland and the TDSFB (Tay District Salmon Fishery Board)
On our annual return we
have to report which bank was fished, with the frequency i.e. number of
days fished per month, as well as details of actual catches. A nil
return only is of no value unless the trips to the river are noted! This
data, when analysed, allows the overall health of the salmon population
in the Ericht to be monitored over the years - and future actions to be
planned for the health of the salmon.
Your help in this
matter is key to maintaining BRDAA as custodian of the Ericht fishery -
Fish Catch Date(s) |
Bank |
Blairgowrie Bank |
Salmon Weight |
Grilse Weight |
Sea Trout Weight |
Kept / Released |
Fishing Days per Month |
Month Total |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
July |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Total |
Please record farmed fish caught
by placing F in weight box.
.......... Membership / Guest Ticket